University Education
- 2022
Master in Journalism and Communication Studies
University of Vienna, Austria
- 2019
Bachelor in Mass Media and Communication Science
University of Vienna, Austria
Academic Positions and Professional Experience
- Since 11/2023
Predoctoral researcher at the Department of Communication, Vienna Media Change and Innovation Lab (VMCI Lab), Professor Desirée Schmuck
- 09/2023 − 11/2023
Project assistant, People’s Sense of Security Within Modern Media Landscapes (PIs: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Matthes & Dr. Kevin Koban)
- 03/2023 − 08/2023
Project assistant, Social Media Use and Adolescents’ Well-Being (PI: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Matthes)
- 04/2022 − 02/2023
Project assistant, Reporting on Suicide in the 19th Century (PI: Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Florian Arendt)
- 03/2022 − 04/2022
Student research assistant, Reporting on Suicide in the 19th Century (PI: Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Florian Arendt)
- 10/2021 − 02/2022
Student research assistant, Social Media and Political Engagement (PI: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Matthes)
- 03/2021 − 08/2021
Teaching Assistant at the Department of Communication, Dr. Andrea Schaffar (lecture on media pedagogy; bachelor’s program)
- 01/2021 − 09/2021
Student research assistant, Social Media Use and Adolescents’ Well-Being (PI: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Matthes)
- 09/2020 − 02/2022
Teaching Assistant at the Department of Communication, Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Florian Arendt (lectures on health communication; bachelor’s and master’s program)
- 03/2020 − 06/2020
Teaching Assistant at the Department of Communication, Dr. Andrea Schaffar (lecture on media pedagogy; bachelor’s program)
- 03/2019 − 06/2020
Teaching Assistant at the Department of Communication, Assoc.-Prof. Dr. Florian Arendt (lectures on health communication; bachelor’s and master’s program)
- 03/2019 − 08/2019
Teaching Assistant at the Department of Communication, Univ.-Prof. i.R. Dr. Peter Vitouch (lecture on media psychology; bachelor’s program)
- 07/2018 − 12/2020
Student research assistant, Effects of Food Placements in Narrative Children’s Media on Children’s Healthy Eating Behavior. Long Term Effects, Activation and Attention Allocation, as well as Effective Presentations (PI: Univ.-Prof. Dr. Jörg Matthes)