
The Vienna Media Change and Innovation (VMCI) Lab, as part of the Department of Communication of the University of Vienna, deals with changes in the media environment due to the presence of digital technologies and artificial intelligence (AI) and their consequences on the individual, social relationships, and society as a whole.

The research focus of our group includes areas like media socialization, political engagement, bias and stereotypes, as well as digital media literacy with a particular focus on media use and effects across the life-span. Integrating theoretical perspectives from communication science, social and developmental psychology, sociology and political science, we study these pressing questions using quantitative, qualitative and computational methods. In doing so, we strive to generate knowledge that both advances the scholarly debate and is relevant for society and practice.

News and Updates

  • June 6-7, 2024 - Vienna meets Leuven!
    Our Vienna-Leuven VMCI meeting was a great success! Next to two days of productive work, networking, and reflection, we also had a dinner under palm trees, solved a thrilling 'murder' mystery in historic Vienna, and went on a scenic hike to a traditional Viennese Heurigen dinner. Impressions can be found here
  • April 15, 2024 - VMCI Research Colloqium!
    Our Research Colloquium starts this semester. We are thrilled that Sophia Rothut (LMU Munich) and Cato Waeterloos (KU Leuven) will be giving public lectures with us. Anyone who is interested is cordially invited to attend! All further information and dates can be found here.
  • March 4, 2024 - "Kamingespräche" - Only bad news is good news?
    Prof. Desirée Schmuck took part in a panel discussion on the topic of media responsibility, organized by KULTUR.REGION.NIEDERÖSTERREICH. This discussion can be listened to online (Radio Niederösterreich, German only).
  • March 1, 2024 - New VMCI Lab member!
    We're happy to welcome Christine Liebenwein into our ranks. Christine will support Professor Schmuck's teaching activities as a teaching assistant. She is studying in our master program, Journalism and Communication Studies. A very warm welcome, Christine!
  • February 9, 2024 - VMCI in Rotterdam!
    Seven presentations by VMCI and affiliated researchers at the Etmaal conference of the Netherlands | Flanders Communication Association in Rotterdam including presentations on political influencers, social bots, health communication, political knowledge and youth! See an overview here.  
  • January 22, 2024 - We're online!
    Welcome to our new website! We are pleased to announce that on 15.11.2023 our three new PhDs started working in the team. Welcome Ela, Max and Alex