Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Lissens, M., Harff, D., & Schmuck, D. (2025). Responses to (Un)healthy advice: Processing and acceptance of health content creators' nutrition misinformation by youth. Appetite, 206, 107812.
- Harff, D., & Schmuck, D. (2024). Prevalence, Presentation, and Popularity of Political Topics in Social Media Influencers’ Content Across Two Countries. Political Communication, 1–31.
- Harff, D., & Schmuck, D. (2024). Is authenticity key? Mobilization by social media influencers versus celebrities and young people's political participation. Psychology & Marketing, 41(11), 2757-2771.
- Wittner Franckx, L., Zarouali, B., & Schmuck, D. (2024). The effect of an X forewarning on the detection and likelihood to follow a social bot, and the moderating role of mutual friends and privacy concerns. Tijdschrift voor Communicatiewetenschap, 52(3), 326-349.
- Harff, D. & Schmuck, D. (2024). Who relies on social media influencers for political information? A cross-country study among youth. International Journal of Press/Politics. Advance Online Publication.
Van Houtven, E., Acquah, S. B., Obermaier, M., Saleem, M., & Schmuck, D. (2024). ‘You Got My Back?’ Severity and Counter-Speech in Online Hate Speech Toward Minority Groups. Media Psychology, 27(6), 923–954.
- Gonzalez, A., Schmuck, D., & Vandenbosch, L. (2023). Posting and framing politics: a content analysis of celebrities’, athletes’, and influencers’ Instagram political content. Information, Communication & Society, 27(8), 1605–1627.
- Schmuck, D., & Harff, D. (2023). Popular Among Distrustful Youth? Social Media Influencers’ Communication About COVID-19 and Young People’s Risk Perceptions and Vaccination Intentions. Health Communication, 39(12), 2730–2743.
- Stevic, A., Schmuck, D., Thomas, M., Karsay, K., Matthes, J. (2023). Distracted children? Nighttime smartphone use, children’s attentional problems, and school performance over time. Journal Of Early Adolescence.
- Dekoninck, H., Van Houtven, E., & Schmuck, D. (2023). Inspiring G(re)en Z: Unraveling (para)social bonds with influencers and perceptions of their environmental content. Environmental Communication, 17(7), 701-719.
- Hameleers, M., Harff, D., & Schmuck, D. (2023). The alternative truth kept hidden from us: The effects of multimodal disinformation disseminated by ordinary citizens and alternative hyper-partisan media evidence from the US and India. Digital Journalism.
- Dekoninck, H. & Schmuck, D. (2023). The “Greenfluence”: Following environmental influencers, parasocial relationships, and youth’s participation behavior. New Media & Society. Advance Online Publication.
- Harff, D., & Schmuck, D. (2023). Influencers as empowering agents? Following political influencers, internal political efficacy and participation among youth. Political Communication, 40(2), 147-172.
- Karsay, K., Schmuck, D., Stevic, A., & Matthes, J. (2023). Sleeping with the smartphone: a panel study investigating parental mediation, adolescents’ tiredness, and physical well-being. Behaviour & Information Technology, 42(11), 1833-1844.
- Karsay, K., Matthes, J., Schmuck, D., & Ecklebe, S. (2023). Messaging, posting, and browsing: A mobile experience sampling study investigating youth’s social media use, affective well-being, and loneliness. Social Science Computer Review, 41(4), 1493-1513.
- Obermaier, M., Schmuck, D., & Saleem, M. (2023). I’ll be there for you? Effects of Islamophobic online hate speech and counter speech on Muslim in-group bystanders’ intention to intervene. New Media & Society, 25(9), 2339-2358.
- Matthes, J., Schmuck, D., & von Sikorski, C. (2023). In the eye of the beholder: A case for the visual hostile media phenomenon. Communication Research, 50(7), 879-903.
- Schmuck, D., Stevic, A., Matthes, J., & Karsay, K. (2023). Out of control? How parents’ perceived lack of control over children’s smartphone use affects children’s self-esteem over time. New Media & Society, 25(1), 199-219.
- Schmuck, D., Matthes, J., & von Sikorski, C. (2023). No compassion for Muslims? How journalistic news coverage of terrorist crimes influences emotional reactions and policy support depending on the victim’s religion. Crime & Delinquency, 69(5), 1020-1043.
- Schmuck, D., Hirsch, M., Stevic, A., & Matthes, J. (2022). Politics–simply explained? How influencers affect youth’s perceived simplification of politics, political cynicism, and political interest. The International Journal of Press/Politics, 27(3), 738-762.
- Obermaier, M., & Schmuck, D. (2022). Youths as targets: Factors of online hate speech victimization among adolescents and young adults. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 27(4), zmac012.
- Harff, D., Bollen, C., & Schmuck, D. (2022). Responses to social media influencers’ misinformation about COVID-19: A pre-registered multiple-exposure experiment. Media Psychology, 25(6), 831-850.
- Schmuck, D., Fawzi, N., Reinemann, C., & Riesmeyer, C. (2022). Social media use and political cynicism among German youth: The role of information-orientation, exposure to extremist content, and online media literacy. Journal of Children and Media, 16(3), 313-331.
- Matthes, J., Karsay, K., Hirsch, M., Stevic, A., & Schmuck, D. (2022). Reflective smartphone disengagement: Conceptualization, measurement, and validation. Computers in Human Behavior, 128, 107078.
- von Sikorski, C., Schmuck, D., Matthes, J., Klobasa, C., Knupfer, H., & Saumer, M. (2022). Do journalists differentiate between Muslims and Islamist terrorists? A content analysis of terrorism news coverage. Journalism, 23(6), 1171-1193.
- Dekoninck, H., & Schmuck, D. (2022). The mobilizing power of influencers for pro-environmental behavior intentions and political participation. Environmental Communication, 16(4), 458-472.
- Schmuck, D., Matthes, J., von Sikorski, C., Rahmanian, M., & Bulat, B. (2022). Tearing us apart? Muslims’ attitudes toward the majority population in response to differentiated versus undifferentiated news about terror. International Journal of Communication, 16(2022), 1420-1440.
- Stevic, A., Schmuck, D., Koemets, A., Hirsch, M., Karsay, K., Thomas, M. F., & Matthes, J. (2022). Privacy concerns can stress you out: Investigating the reciprocal relationship between mobile social media privacy concerns and perceived stress. Communications, 47(3), 327-349.
- Schmuck, D. (2021). Following social media influencers in early adolescence: Fear of missing out, social well-being and supportive communication with parents. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, 26(5), 245-264.
- Heiss, R., Schmuck, D., Matthes, J., & Eicher, C. (2021). Citizen science in schools: Predictors and outcomes of participating in voluntary political research. SAGE Open, 11(4).
- Hameleers, M., Schmuck, D., Schulz, A., Wirz, D. S., Matthes, J., Bos, L., Corbu, N. & Andreadis, I. (2021). The effects of populist identity framing on populist attitudes across Europe: Evidence from a 15-country comparative experiment. International Journal of Public Opinion Research, 33(3), 491-510.
- Stevic, A., Schmuck, D., Karsay, K., & Matthes, J. (2021). Are smartphones enhancing or displacing face-to-face communication with close ties? A panel study among adults. International Journal of Communication, (15), 792-813.
- Von Sikorski, C., Matthes, J., & Schmuck, D. (2021). The Islamic State in the news: Journalistic differentiation of Islamist terrorism from Islam, terror news proximity, and Islamophobic attitudes. Communication Research, 48(2), 203-232.
- Hameleers, M., Schmuck, D., Bos, L., & Ecklebe, S. (2021). Interacting with the ordinary people: How populist messages and styles communicated by politicians trigger users’ behaviour on social media in a comparative context. European Journal of Communication, 36(3), 238-253.
- Stevic, A., Schmuck, D., Matthes, J., & Karsay, K. (2021). ‘Age Matters’: A panel study investigating the influence of communicative and passive smartphone use on well-being. Behaviour & Information Technology, 40(2), 176-190.
- Matthes, J., Thomas, M. F., Stevic, A., & Schmuck, D. (2021). Fighting over smartphones? Parents' excessive smartphone use, lack of control over children's use, and conflict. Computers in Human Behavior, 116, 106618.
- Schmuck, D. (2020). Does digital detox work? Exploring the role of digital detox applications for problematic smartphone use and well-being of young adults using multigroup analysis. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 23(8), 526-532.
- Schmuck, D., & von Sikorski, C. (2020). Perceived threats from social bots: The media's role in supporting literacy. Computers in Human Behavior, 113, 106507.
- Schmuck, D., & Tribastone, M. (2020). Muslims take action. How exposure to anti-Islamic populist political messages affects young Muslims’ support for collective action: A longitudinal experiment. Political Communication, 37(5), 635-655.
- Matthes, J., Kaskeleviciute, R., Schmuck, D., von Sikorski, C., Klobasa, C., Knupfer, H., & Saumer, M. (2020). Who differentiates between Muslims and Islamist terrorists in terrorism news coverage? An actor-based approach. Journalism Studies, 21(15), 2135-2153.
- Schmuck, D., & Hameleers, M. (2020). Closer to the people: A comparative content analysis of populist communication on social networking sites in pre-and post-election periods. Information, Communication & Society, 23(10), 1531-1548.
- Schmuck, D., Tribastone, M., Matthes, J., Marquart, F., & Bergel, E. M. (2020). Avoiding the other side? An eye-tracking study of selective exposure and selective avoidance effects in response to political advertising. Journal of Media Psychology: Theories, Methods, and Applications, 32(3), 158-164.
- Schmuck, D., Heiss, R., & Matthes, J. (2020). Drifting further apart? How exposure to media portrayals of Muslims affects attitude polarization. Political Psychology, 41(6), 1055-1072.
- Bos, L., Schemer, C., Corbu, N., Hameleers, M., Andreadis, I., Schulz, A., Schmuck, D., Reinemann, C., & Fawzi, N. (2020). The effects of populism as a social identity frame on persuasion and mobilisation: Evidence from a 15‐country experiment. European Journal of Political Research, 59(1), 3-24.
- Matthes, J., Karsay, K., Schmuck, D., & Stevic, A. (2020). “Too much to handle”: Impact of mobile social networking sites on information overload, depressive symptoms, and well-being. Computers in Human Behavior, 105, 106217.
- Karsay, K., Schmuck, D., Matthes, J., & Stevic, A. (2019). Longitudinal effects of excessive smartphone use on stress and loneliness: The moderating role of self-disclosure. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 22(11), 706-713.
- Matthes, J., Schmuck, D., & von Sikorski, C. (2019). Terror, terror everywhere? How terrorism news shape support for anti‐Muslim policies as a function of perceived threat severity and controllability. Political Psychology, 40(5), 935-951.
- Schmuck, D., Karsay, K., Matthes, J., & Stevic, A. (2019). “Looking up and feeling down”. The influence of mobile social networking site use on upward social comparison, self-esteem, and well-being of adult smartphone users. Telematics and informatics, 42, 101240.
- Karsay, K., & Schmuck, D. (2019). “Weak, sad, and lazy fatties”: Adolescents’ explicit and implicit weight bias following exposure to weight loss reality TV shows. Media Psychology, 22(1), 60-81.
- Heiss, R., Schmuck, D., & Matthes, J. (2019). What drives interaction in political actors’ Facebook posts? Profile and content predictors of user engagement and political actors’ reactions. Information, Communication & Society, 22(10), 1497-1513.
- Schmuck, D., & Matthes, J. (2019). Voting “Against Islamization”? How anti‐Islamic right‐wing, populist political campaign ads influence explicit and implicit attitudes toward Muslims as well as voting preferences. Political Psychology, 40(4), 739-757.
- Schmuck, D., Matthes, J., Von Sikorski, C., Materne, N., & Shah, E. (2018). Are unidentified terrorist suspects always Muslims? How terrorism news shape news consumers’ automatic activation of Muslims as perpetrators. Religions, 9(10), 286.
- Hameleers, M., Bos, L., Fawzi, N., Reinemann, C., Andreadis, I., Corbu, N., Schemer, C.,
Schulz, A., Shaefer, T., Aalberg, T., Axelsson, S., Berganza, R., Cremonesi, C., Dahlberg, S., de Vreese, C.H., Hess, A., Kartsounidou, E., Kasprowicz, D., Matthes, J., Negrea-Busuioc, E., Ringdal, S., Salgado, S., Sanders, K., Schmuck, D., Stromback, J., Suiter, J., Boomgaarden, H., Tenenboim-Weinblatt, K., & Weiss-Yaniv, N. (2018). Start Spreading the News: A Comparative Experiment on the Effects of Populist Communication on Political Engagement in Sixteen European Countries. International Journal Of Press-Politics, 23(4), 517-538. - Schmuck, D., Matthes, J., & Naderer, B. (2018). Misleading consumers with green advertising? An affect–reason–involvement account of greenwashing effects in environmental advertising. Journal of Advertising, 47(2), 127-145.
- Schmuck, D., Matthes, J., Naderer, B., & Beaufort, M. (2018). The effects of environmental brand attributes and nature imagery in green advertising. Environmental Communication, 12(3), 414-429.
- Schmuck, D., Matthes, J., & Paul, F. H. (2017). Negative stereotypical portrayals of Muslims in right-wing populist campaigns: Perceived discrimination, social identity threats, and hostility among young Muslim adults. Journal of Communication, 67(4), 610-634.
- Schmuck, D., Heiss, R., Matthes, J., Engesser, S., & Esser, F. (2017). Antecedents of strategic game framing in political news coverage. Journalism, 18(8), 937-955.
- Matthes, J., & Schmuck, D. (2017). The effects of anti-immigrant right-wing populist ads on implicit and explicit attitudes: A moderated mediation model. Communication Research, 44(4), 556-581.
- Schmuck, D., & Matthes, J. (2017). Effects of economic and symbolic threat appeals in right-wing populist advertising on anti-immigrant attitudes: The impact of textual and visual appeals. Political Communication, 34(4), 607-626.
- von Sikorski, C., Schmuck, D., Matthes, J., & Binder, A. (2017). "Muslims are not terrorists": Islamic state coverage, journalistic differentiation between terrorism and Islam, fear reactions, and attitudes toward Muslims. Mass Communication And Society, 20(6), 825-848.
- Hameleers, M., & Schmuck, D. (2017). It’s us against them: A comparative experiment on the effects of populist messages communicated via social media. Information, Communication & Society, 20(9), 1425-1444.
- Schmuck, D. (2017). The perception and effects of xenophobic, right-wing populist campaigns in consideration of individuals’ migrant background: A qualitative investigation. Studies in Communication-Media, 6-38.
- Schmuck, D., & Matthes, J. (2015). How anti-immigrant right-wing populist advertisements affect young voters: Symbolic threats, economic threats and the moderating role of education. Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 41(10), 1577-1599.
- Matthes, J., Marquart, F., Naderer, B., Arendt, F., Schmuck, D., & Adam, K. (2015). Questionable research practices in experimental communication research: A systematic analysis from 1980 to 2013. Communication Methods and Measures, 9(4), 193-207.
- Matthes, J., Wonneberger, A., & Schmuck, D. (2014). Consumers' green involvement and the persuasive effects of emotional versus functional ads. Journal of Business Research, 67(9), 1885-1893.
Book chapters and other publications
- Schmuck, D. (2022). Social media influencers and environmental communication. In B.
Takahashi, J. Metag, J. Thaker, & S.E. Comfort (Eds.), The handbook of international trends in environmental communication. Routledge. - Krämer B., & Schmuck, D. (2020). Populismus und Medien. Merkmale und Konsequenzen
populistischer Kommunikation [Populism and the media. Characteristics and consequences
of populist communication]. Politische Studien, 491(2020), 26-34. - Hameleers, M., Reinemann, C., Schmuck, D., & Fawzi, N. (2019). The persuasiveness of populist communication: Conceptualizing the effects and political consequences of populist communication from a social identity perspective. In C. Reinemann, J. Stanyer, T. Aalerg, F. Esser, & C. H. de Vreese (Eds.), Communicating populism (pp. 144-167). Routledge.
- Von Sikorski, C., Schmuck, D., & Matthes, J. (2018). Eine Spirale der Angst? Terrorberichterstattung in den Medien, wahrgenommene Bedrohung und politische Einstellungen. [A spiral of fear? Terror reporting in the media, perceived threat and political attitudes]. Psychologie in Österreich, 38(5), 354-261.
- Schmuck, D., Matthes, J., & Boomgaarden, H. (2017). Austria candidate-centered and anti-
mmigrant right-wing populism. In T. Aalberg, F. Esser, C. Reinemann, J. Stromback, & C.H.
DeVreese (Eds.), Populist political communication in Europe (pp. 85-98). Routledge. ISBN 9781138614826 - Naderer, B., Schmuck, D., & Matthes, J. (2017). Greenwashing: Disinformation through green
advertising. In G. Siegert, M. B. von Rimscha, & S. Grubenmann (Eds.), Commercial communication in the digital age – Information or disinformation? (pp. 105-120). De Gruyter Mouto. - Schmuck, D. (2017). Visual presentation of data. In J. Matthes, C. Davis, & R.F. Potter
(Eds.), The international encyclopedia of communication research methods (pp. 1931-1933).
Wiley/International Communication Association. - Schmuck, D. (2016). Wirkungen rechtspopulistischer politischer Kampagnen aus Sicht der
kommunikationswissenschaftlichen Forschung. Gedenkdienst 79(4), 3. - Schmuck, D., & Matthes, J. (2014). Das Ende der Politikverdrossenheit? Politische Social Media-Angebote für Jugendliche [The end of political apathy? Social media and participatory politics for adolescents]. Psychologie in Österreich, 34(4), 264-269.