Alexandra Wölfle, BA BA BA MSc
PhD Researcher (Prae-Doc)
Alexandra Wölfle, BA BA BA MSc
Währinger Straße 29
1090 Wien
Room 7.30
T: +43-1-4277-49347
Research Interests
- Media change
- Digital media effects
- Social media
- Political communication
Alexandra Wölfle is a predoctoral researcher at the Department of Communication since November 2023. Working in the research team of Desirée Schmuck, she focuses on the topics of media change and innovation. In her dissertation, she explores gender and race bias in generative AI, its impacts on in- and out-group members as well as potential interventions.
Alexandra completed the master's degree in Communication Science (MSc, 2023) at the University of Vienna. She also studied Journalism and Communication Science (BA, 2020), Romance Studies (BA, 2021) as well as Theatre, Film and Media Studies (BA, 2020).