VMCI in the Media
Here you can find a selection of appearances of VMCI members in the news and public outreach activities.
- The Media.Monitor by the platform Mediapunt featured an article by Heleen Dekoninck and Desiree Schmuck on the impact of environmental influencers on young people's political participation.
- An interview with Darian Harff has just been published in the December 2024 edition (issue 17) of the fyi Forschungsmonitor, which is published by the Landeszentrale für Medien NRW [The Media Authority of North Rhine-Westphalia]. Each edition contains a summary of central research on a selected topic. The December edition dealt with news habits of young people and the role of influencers as relevant political information sources for youth.
- Also, two articles by Darian Harff and Desiree Schmuck as well as one article authored by Desiree Schmuck, Melanie Hirsch, Anja Stevie and Jörg Matthes were discussed in the literature review section of the fyi Forschungsmonitor.
- Darian Harff was interviewed as an expert for an article by BR24 (Format Faktenfuchs). The article "Geld für Flüchtlinge: Wie uns Zahlen in die Irre führen [Money for refugees: How numbers lead us astray]" was published on 15 November 2024.
- At the 29th Symposium of the Forum for Media Education of the Bavarian Regulatory Authority for New Media, Desiree Schmuck gave an interview for the blog ‘Medientage’. on the topic of "Wie "Politfluencer" Jugendliche erreichen [How “political influencers” reach young people]" on December 3, 2024.
- Desiree Schmuck was invited to the podcast ‘Dunkelkammer’. The 124th episode, published on November 21, 2024, was about the topic "Verloren im Netz: Über die Folgen unkritischer Mediennutzung [Lost in the internet. On the consequences of uncritical media use]"
- Desiree Schmuck gave an interview to the Flemish FWO kennismakers magazine about her job as a communication scientist and her research agenda.
- Desiree Schmuck gave an interview on August 12, 2024, to the APA about Taylor Swift's missing statement about the cancellation of her concerts in Vienna. This was published by several media outlets: Der Kurier, news.at, PULS 4 TV, Salzburg24, VIENNA.at, Oberösterreichische Nachrichten, Tiroler Tageszeitung and the Swiss SRF.
- Interview with Desiree Schmuck in Horizont on the topic "Digitaler Widerstand [Digital Resistance]", June 17, 2024.
- Interview with Desiree Schmuck on the topic "Green seeks support for Petra De Sutter via Instagram: how useful are influencers in politics" in De Morgen, June 4, 2024.
- Interview with Desiree Schmuck: "Intrinsic Interest as Motivator. 10 Questions for Prof. Dr. Desirée Schmuck" by Aviso, DGPuK, May, 2024.
- Interview with Desiree Schmuck on the topic “Wieviel (politischen) Einfluss haben Influencer wirklich?[How much (political) influence do influencers really have?]” in the podcast “An der Quelle” in the science magazine Rudolphina.
- Interview with Desiree Schmuck in the radio show "OKFM4" on the topic "Was machen Politiker:innen auf TikTok? [What do politicians do on TikTok?]" by Radio FM4, March 6, 2024.
- Panel Discussion with Desiree Schmuck on the topic: Nur schlechte Nachrichten sind gute Nachrichten? [Only bad news is good news?], organized by KULTUR.REGION.NIEDERÖSTERREICH, February 14. Summary broadcast by Radio Niederösterreich, February 21, 2024.
- Interview with Desiree Schmuck in The Guardian on the topic: Could Taylor Swift really swing the 2024 presidential election? February, 8, 2024
- Interview with Desiree Schmuck in the Süddeutsche Zeitung on the topic of children's smartphone use and parents' mediation: "Okay, aber nur noch 15 Minuten!" December 31, 2022
- Interview with Desiree Schmuck in the “Social Media & Politics” Podcast by Michael Bossetta on the topic: Social Media Influencers and Politics, Environmental Behavior, and Covid Misinformation. June 19, 2022
- Expert Statement by Desiree Schmuck for the magazine “Gehirn & Geist – Spektrum der Wissenschaft” on the topic „Machen uns soziale Medien unglücklich? [Do social media make us unhappy?]. November 21, 2021
- Interview with Desiree Schmuck by the investigative journalistic platform DOSSIER on the topic “Terror and media coverage“. October 15, 2021
- Magazine article in Dixsy Magazine about "Greenwashing" using the article "Misleading consumers with green advertising? An affect-reason-involvement account of greenwashing effects in environmental advertising" (Schmuck, Matthes, & Naderer, 2018) as source. March, 2021
- Interview with Desiree Schmuck in Bloomberg News (London Office) on the topic “Misleading Consumers with Green Advertising”. July, 2019
- Desiree Schmuck was keynote speaker and participant in Panel Discussion of the Presseclub Concordia on the topic „Terror and the Media. Can the Press be Turned into a Tool?“. May, 2019
- Interview with the Austrian public broadcaster ORF radio Oe1 #doublecheck on research about terrorism news coverage. June, 2019
- Interview with Desiree Schmuck in the Austrian daily newspaper Kurier on the topic “The Media’s Role in Terrorism News Coverage”.
- Desiree Schmuck participated in Panel Discussion on the topic “Election Campaign Photography”. Westlicht Gallery. Vienna. October, 2017.
- Newspaper interview with Desiree Schmuck about poster campaigns for the Austrian Parliamentary elections, Wiener Zeitung, August 26.